What have we learned post-covid? How will the geopolitical situation affect our supply chains? Join us for an interesting and social evening with a macro…
Kristian Jul Røsjø, Antler SNCC event and afterwork 15 June >> Register here << “By investing in hundreds of startups at the earliest stages and…
SNCC is proud to be an event partner for the upcoming NBAS event on the new Transparency Act, regulating responsible business conduct, taking place digitally at…
Vi har gleden av å endelig kunne invitere til et fysisk frokostmøte som denne gang er åpent for både våre medlemmer og andre, og inviterer…
In a world changed by the Covid-19 pandemic, DNV believes it is more important than ever to understand our energy future. What will the new Energy…
One year after the worst pandemic in modern history broke out, what is the situation in one of the busiest business regions in the world?…
Noe av det første Joe Biden gjorde som nyvalgt president var å starte oppryddingen i rotet etter Trump. Dag én i det hvite hus resulterte i…
Norwegian companies are competitive and sought-after partners in many of the ASEAN countries, says H.E. Morten Høglund, Norwegian Ambassador to ASEAN. 2 December we are hosting…
SNCC recently welcomed Norway’s Ambassador to The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), H.E. Morten Høglund, as permanent observer to the board of SNCC. ASEAN…
“While most of the world’s attention right now is on how to solve the present health crisis and tackle the adverse economic impact of the…