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Singapore@Nor-Shipping 2025: Future-proofing Maritime Trade

Future-proofing Maritime Trade: Collaboration in the Maritime Industry between two leading maritime nations

Building on the success of the 2023 seminar, Singapore and Norway – two of the world’s leading maritime nations – will once again join forces at Nor-Shipping 2025 to showcase how strategic collaboration can drive innovation, mitigate risk, and future-proof the maritime industry in a time of rapid change, when SNCC (Singapore Norway Chamber of Commerce) and its partners MPA (Maritime Port Authority of Singapore) and SMF (Singapore Maritime Foundation) arranges its Singapore @ Nor-Shipping Seminar.

Join us to gain valuable insights, establish strategic connections, and explore solutions for a sustainable and competitive maritime industry.

Attendance by registration only. For registration requests or questions regarding this seminar, please contact SNCC at secretariat@sncc.no.

Schedule & Program

Time & Place

Wednesday, 4 June 2025
Nor-Shipping Conference Center, Lillestrøm

Program Overview

We welcome you to an impactful seminar where several expert-led panels will
discuss critical topics at the heart of global maritime transformation.

Opening remarks by official Norwegian and Singaporean Dignitaries

During three panel sessions, you will get insights on the following topics:

Navigating the Shifting Political Landscape
The effects on shipping value chains, trade routes, and business opportunities.

Key Note by: Arjun Batra, Executive Chairman of Drewry Group
Panel: Arjun Batra, Jan Ole Huseby Global Head of Ocean Industries DNB,
Hor Weng Yew, CEO of PCL and Chairman SMF

Green Transformation & Decarbonization

Accelerating the transition to sustainable fuels and operational eiciency to
meet tightening environmental regulations and secure long-term

Setting the scene: Sveinung Oftedal, Director, Norwegian Ministry for Climate
and Environment
Panel: Sveinung Oftedal, Pia Meling, CEO of EVIGO (an OSM Thome company),
Simon Kuik, Senior Vice President, Head of Sustainability at Seatrium, Representative
from Odfjell (tbc.) and a Norwegian research institute (tbc.)

Cyber Security in the Maritime Industry
Strengthening defenses against escalating digital threats to ensure the safety
and resilience of a fully digitalized industry.

Setting the scene: Daniel Ng, CEO of Cyber Owl (a DNV company)
Panel: Daniel Ng, Teo Eng Dih, CE of MPA, Lars Benjamin Vold, Managing Director
of Norma Cyber, Bjørn Jalving, CTO Kongsberg Maritime

Moderator for the panels: Cristina Saenz de Santa Maria, COO DNV Maritime

Closing Remarks by: H.E. Leif Trana, Ambassador of Norway to Singapore

By joining this seminar, attendees will gain a unique perspective on how partnerships between Singapore and Norway are shaping the future of maritime business through technological innovation, shared expertise, and cross-border collaboration.

Read more here: 

Singapore @ Nor-Shipping

Singapore@Nor-Shipping 2023